Transformatoarele de tensiune pentru masurare tip VTX-x sunt transformatoare de tip suport, uscate, turnate in rasina epoxidica, sub vid, avand rol atat de izolatie electrica si pentru asigurarea rezistentei mecanice.
They are designed to be resistant up to 24 kV insulation level, molded in epoxy resin under vacuum. The mounting of transformer inside the panel, is realizing through the base metal plate with four screws.
Product catalog and referance price list 24 kV
See Document Ask for an offerVoltage transformers for measuring type VTX-x are support type transformers, dry, cast in epoxy resin, under vacuum, having the role of both electrical insulation and to ensure mechanical resistance. They are intended for indoor use, for measurement and protection, in medium voltage cells and substations, for insulation levels from 3.6 / 10/40 kV to 24/50/125 kV.
The value of the secondary nominal voltages is 100: √3 V, 110: √3 V, 100: 3 V, 110: 3 V, 100 V, 110 V. The accuracy classes of the measuring secondary can also be 0.2, 0.5, 1, 3 , and for protective secondary are 3P and 6P. For measuring secondary, the required accuracy class is guaranteed in the range of 25% - 100% of the nominal load, and for protection secondary the accuracy class is guaranteed at 100% of the nominal load.
The working limit voltage of these transformers is 120% of the nominal voltage for continuous operation, and for the determined operation for 8 hours, the monopoly transformers can operate at 190% of the nominal voltage.
The number of secondary windings can be from 1 to 3, depending on the accuracy class and the power required.
The connections to the secondary windings are made inside a terminal box, provided with a sealable transparent cover and supports for cable glands, type PG16.
Transformers can be mounted in any position. Fixing the transformers is done with the help of four screws in the holes provided in their motherboard.
The transformers are delivered with all the screws and accessories necessary for the connection in the circuit
The connection to the ground will be made with an M8 screw, provided on the metal fixing sole.
Transformers are designed, made and tested according to standards IEC 61869-1, IEC 61869-3.
The shape and dimensions of the transformers are in accordance with DIN 42600-9
Metrological verification bulletins can be issued upon request.
For parameters that are not specified in this documentation, we expect you to contact us by e-mail or telephone.
Highest voltage for equipment: 3.6; 7.2; 12 kV
Test with applied voltage 50 Hz - 1 min; 10; 20; 28 kV
Lightning pulse test - 1.2 / 50 µs: 40; 60; 75 kV
Primary rated voltage for monopolar transformers - A: 3: √3 ÷ 10: √3 kV
Primary rated voltage for bipolar transformers - One: 3 ÷ 10 kV
Secondary rated voltage - Us: 100: √3; 100: 3; 100; 110: √3; 110: 3; 110 V
Frequency: 50 Hz
Secondary winding power: 1 ÷ 200 VA
Accuracy class secondary winding measurement: 0.2; 0.5; 1; 3 %
Accuracy class secondary winding protection: 3P; 6P
Insulation class: E
Altitude: maximum 1000 m.
Ambient working temperature: - 5… + 40 ° C.
Storage transport temperature: - 25… + 40 ° C.
Standards: IEC 61869-1: IEC 61869-3; DIN 42600-9
Instructions for connecting voltage transformers to the circuit for measurement,
type VTX-1
Measuring voltage transformers, single-pole insulated (monopolar) type VTX-1, used in three-phase measuring systems, are supplied with a primary winding marked A-N, and with one to three secondary windings. Secondary windings can be made in any combination, measurement or protection. The secondary windings used for measurement are marked with a-n, and the protective ones are marked with da-dn.
The installation in three-phase system is done with the primary and secondary measuring windings connected in star, and the secondary protection windings connected in open triangle.
Making connections:
- The “N” terminal of the primary winding must be connected to earth
- Terminal “N” of the primary winding must be connected to ground - Terminals “n” of the secondary measuring windings - will be connected to grounding
- One of the terminals of the secondary protection windings “dn” - will be connected to earth
DO NOT connect to ground more than one “dn” terminal in the case of open triangle-connected protective windings, as there is a danger of damage to the instruments.
Instructions for connecting voltage transformers to the circuit for measurement,
type VTX-2
Voltage measuring transformers, with two insulated (bipolar) poles type VTX-2, used in three-phase measuring systems, are supplied with a primary winding marked A-B, and with one to three secondary windings. Secondary windings can be made in any combination, measurement or protection. The secondary windings used are marked with 1a-1b, 2a-2b,….
When using two bipolar transformers, the installation in the three-phase system is done with the primary and secondary measuring windings connected in an open triangle.
For mounting three bipolar transformers in the three-phase system, the primary and secondary measuring windings must be connected in a closed triangle.
Making connections:
- One of the terminals of the secondary windings “b” They will be connected to earth
When using two bipolar isolated transformers connected to the “V” type connection (open triangle), it is mandatory that a terminal at one of the secondary windings of the two transformers be connected to earth. This is required to avoid a short circuit between the two transformers.
Permissible force limit for
tightening the screws:
M 4 = 0,8 …1,2 Nm
M 5 = 2,8 … 3,5 Nm
M 8 = 16 … 20 Nm
M 10 = 20 … 25 Nm
Instructions for handling, transport, storage and commissioning
a transformatoarelor de curent pentru măsurare, tip VTX-x
Transformatoarele tip VTX-x sunt obiecte grele în raport cu volumul lor. De aceea, manevrarea și transportarea unor asemenea produse se va face cu grija, astfel încât sa nu se aducă vătămări ale corpului manevrantului de nici un fel. Se vor respecta cu strictețe normele de protecție a muncii în ceea privește manipularea obiectelor grele. Se va evita contactul direct cu solul a transformatoarelor, mai ales în condiții de umiditate ridicată.
Transportarea transformatoarelor tip VTX-x se va face în condițiile atmosferice normale, evitându-se contactul cu precipitațiile atmosferice și urmărindu-se specificațiile speciale („a se feri de ploaie”, „atenție obiect fragil”, „interzisă supraetajarea”, etc.) marcate printr-o eticheta pe coletul transformatoarelor, acolo unde este cazul.
Storage conditions:
Depozitarea transformatoarelor tip VTX-x se va face în spatii închise cu medii lipsite de umiditate, substanțe puternic corozive, substanțe active chimic, vapori inflamabili sau explozivi și fără pulberi conducătoare de electricitate.
Putting into service:
În momentul punerii în funcțiune a transformatoarelor tip VTX-x, se va avea în vedere amplasarea lor într-un spațiu ce respecta nivelul temperaturii ambiante în vederea încadrării în clasa de izolație în care au fost executate, elemente ce sunt specificate pe eticheta produsului.
When commissioning, the corresponding circuit connection must be observed, in accordance with the markings on the transformer terminals and the connection instructions for these types of transformers. Only multi-wire (corded) cables or connecting rods, the section of which corresponds to the rated current specified on the product label, electric slippers of appropriate dimensions, with the insulation distance on the surface between the slippers, etc., shall be used.
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