Current instrument transformers CTS type


Current instrument transformers CTS type

Transformatoarele de curent pentru masurare tip sunt transformatoare de tip trecere cu miez demontabil, uscate, turnate in rasina, avand rol atat de izolatie electrica si pentru asigurarea rezistentei mecanice.

Acestea sunt destinate utilizarii la interior, pentru masurare si protectie, in celule si posturi de transformare de medie tensiune, pentru nivele de izolatie de la 0,72 kV, nivelul de izolatie corespunzator pentru medie tensiune fiind asigurat de cablurile folosite.

Product catalog and referance price list 0,72 kV

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Current transformers for measuring type are passage type transformers with removable core, dry, cast in resin, having the role of both electrical insulation and to ensure mechanical resistance. They are intended for indoor use, for measurement and protection, in cells and substations of medium voltage, for insulation levels from 0.72 kV, the corresponding insulation level for medium voltage being provided by the cables used.
The value of the secondary nominal currents is 5 A or 1 A, there is also the possibility to be combined. The accuracy classes of the measuring secondary can also be 0.2S, 0.2, 0.5S, 0.5, 1, 3, and for the protective secondary they are 5P and 10P. For measuring secondary, the required accuracy class is guaranteed in the range of 25% - 100% of the nominal load, and for protection secondary the accuracy class is guaranteed at 100% of the nominal load.
The working limit current of these transformers is 120% of the rated current. Upon request, the value of this current can be exceeded by an agreement between the manufacturer and the beneficiary, for example 200% of the rated current.
The maximum number of secondary windings is 3, depending on the accuracy class, power and the primary primary thermal current.
Mandatory, one terminal of each secondary winding must be connected to earth, and unused secondary windings are short-circuited and also connected to ground.
Connections to the secondary windings are made using connection clamps.
The secondary windings are made on magnetic cores with oriented grains, made of different alloys, depending on the accuracy class required.
Transformers can be mounted in any position. The transformers are fixed with the help of four screws in the holes provided in their plastic housing.
The transformers are delivered with all the screws and accessories necessary for the connection in the circuit
Transformers are designed, made and tested according to standards IEC 61869-1, IEC 61869-2.
For parameters that are not specified in this documentation, we expect you to contact us by e-mail or telephone.

Highest voltage for the equipment: 0.72 kV

Test with applied voltage 50 Hz - 1 min; 3 kV

Lightning pulse test - 1.2 / 50 µs: - kV

Primary rated current - In: 50 ÷ 3200 A

Secondary rated current - Is: 5 and / or 1 A

Possibility of reconnection in secondary: YES

Frequency: 50 Hz

Thermal current - Ith: max. 0.5 ÷ 100 kA

Dynamic current - Idyn: 2.5 x Ith

Rated thermal current - Icth: 1.2 x In

Secondary winding power: 1 ÷ 10 VA

Accuracy class secondary winding measurement: 0.2S; 0.2; 0.5S; 0.5; 1; 3 %

Security factor - FS: 5; 10

Accuracy class secondary winding protection: 5P; 10P

Accuracy limit factor - ALF: 5; 10; 15; 20; 25; 30

Insulation class: B

Altitude: maximum 1000 m.

Ambient working temperature: - 5… + 40 ° C.

Storage transport temperature: - 25… + 40 ° C.

Standards: IEC 61869-1: IEC 61869-2

Instructions for connecting circuit current transformers for measurement,



Current transformers for measuring type, executate și furnizate cu una sau mai multe înfășurări secundare (1S1-1S2, 2S1-2S2……).

Terminals “S2” of all secondary windings, must be connected to ground.

Attention! The product is delivered with secondary windings with shorted start and end terminals.

When only one secondary winding is used, but the second secondary winding is not used in the load, the start and end terminals of the unused secondary winding must be short-circuited and connected to ground. When it is desired to use the secondary in this situation, the starting terminal of the winding must be disconnected from the ground, following the diagram below.

tip – cu secundar reconectabil


Current transformers for measuring type, executate și furnizate cu una sau mai multe înfășurări secundare reconectabile (1S1-1S2-1S3, 2S1-2S2-2S3, …).

Secondary windings can be connected as follows:

Great report  - 1S1-1S3 is connected and 1S2 remains unconnected for 2 x Ip

Small ratio  - 1S1-1S2 is connected and 1S3 remains unconnected, for 1 x Ip

Terminals “S1” of all secondary windings, must be connected to ground.

Attention! The product is delivered with secondary windings with shorted start and end terminals.

When only one secondary winding is used, but the second secondary winding is not used in the load, the start and end terminals of the unused secondary winding must be short-circuited and connected to ground. When it is desired to use the secondary in this situation, the starting terminal of the winding must be disconnected from the ground, following the diagram below.

Instructions for handling, transport, storage and commissioning

a transformatoarelor de curent pentru măsurare, tip



Type transformers pot fi obiecte grele în raport cu volumul lor, in functie de parametrii electrici . De aceea, manevrarea și transportarea unor asemenea produse se va face cu grija, astfel încât sa nu se aducă vătămări ale corpului manevrantului de nici un fel. Se vor respecta cu strictețe normele de protecție a muncii în ceea privește manipularea obiectelor grele. Se va evita contactul direct cu solul a transformatoarelor, mai ales în condiții de umiditate ridicată.



Transportation of type transformers it will be done in normal atmospheric conditions, avoiding contact with atmospheric precipitation and following the special specifications ("avoid rain", "attention to fragile object", "no overlaying", etc.) marked by a label on transformer package, where applicable.


Storage conditions:

Storage of type transformers it will be done in closed spaces with environments free of humidity, highly corrosive substances, chemically active substances, flammable or explosive vapors and without electrically conductive dusts.


Putting into service:

At the time of commissioning of the type transformers, their location in a space that respects the ambient temperature level will be considered in order to be included in the insulation class in which they were made, elements that are specified on the product label.

When commissioning, the corresponding circuit connection must be observed, in accordance with the markings on the transformer terminals and the connection instructions for these types of transformers. Only multi-wire (corded) cables or connecting rods, the section of which corresponds to the rated current specified on the product label, electric slippers of appropriate dimensions, with the insulation distance on the surface between the slippers, etc., shall be used.

Model Icon 2D Drawing 3D Model PDF Drawing
CTH-100.190.056 DXF STEP PDF
CTH-120.230.076 DXF STEP PDF
CTH-150.270.076 DXF STEP PDF
CTH-200.320.076 DXF STEP PDF
CTH-260.390.076 DXF STEP PDF

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