Transformatoarele de curent pentru măsurare tip CTEL_, sunt destinate utilizării în interior, pentru măsura și protecție în celule și posturi de transformare de medie tensiune.
They are designed to be resistant up to 24 kV insulation level, molded in epoxy resin under vacuum. The mounting of transformer inside the panel, is realizing through the base metal plate with four screws.
Product available upon customer request
Ask for an offerTransformatoarele de curent pentru masurare tip CTEL_ sunt transformatoare de tip suport, uscate, turnate in rasina epoxidica, sub vid, avand rol atat de izolatie electrica si pentru asigurarea rezistentei mecanice. Acestea sunt destinate utilizarii la interior, pentru masurare si protectie, in celule si posturi de transformare de medie tensiune, pentru nivele de izolatie de la 3,6 / 10 / 40 kV la 24 / 50 / 125 kV.
Valoarea curentilor nominali secundari este de 5 A sau 1 A, existand si posibilitatea de a fi combinati. Clasele de exactitate ale secundarelor de masura pot si 0.2S, 0.2, 0.5S, 0.5, 1, 3. Pentru secundarele de masura, clasa de exactitate ceruta este garantata in intervalul 25% – 100% din incarcarea nominala, iar pentru secundarele de protectie este garantata clasa de exactitate la 100% din incarcarea nominala.
The working limit current of these transformers is 120% of the rated current. Upon request, the value of this current can be exceeded by an agreement between the manufacturer and the beneficiary, for example 200% of the rated current.
Aceste transformatoare sunt proiectate cu o singura infasurare primara si un singur secundar, de masura.
In mod obligatoriu, un terminal al infasurarii secundare trebuie conectat la impamantare. Atunci cand secundarul este neutilizat, acesta se scurtcircuiteaza si se conecteaza la impamantare.
Conexiunile la secundar se fac cu ajutorul stecherului DY 4183/1, prevazut cu suruburi de sigiliu.
Infasurarile primare ale transformatoarelor de tip CTEL_ sunt construite cu o singura sau mai multe spire.
Infasurarea secundara este bobinata pe miezuri magnetice cu graunti orientati, realizate din diferite aliaje, in fuctie de clasa de exactitate necesara.
Transformers can be mounted in any position. Fixing the transformers is done with the help of four screws in the holes provided in their motherboard.
The transformers are delivered with all the screws and accessories necessary for the connection in the circuit
The connection to the ground will be made with an M8 screw, provided on the metal fixing sole.
Transformers are designed, made and tested according to standards IEC 61869-1, IEC 61869-2.
Metrological verification bulletins can be issued upon request.
For parameters that are not specified in this documentation, we expect you to contact us by e-mail or telephone.
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Instructions for handling, transport, storage and commissioning
a transformatoarelor de curent pentru măsurare, tip CTEL_
Type transformers CTEL_ they are heavy objects in relation to their volume. Therefore, the handling and transport of such products will be done with care, so as not to cause injuries to the body of the maneuverer of any kind. The rules of labor protection regarding the handling of heavy objects will be strictly observed. Direct contact with the ground of the transformers will be avoided, especially in conditions of high humidity.
Transportation of type transformers CTEL_ it will be done in normal atmospheric conditions, avoiding contact with atmospheric precipitation and following the special specifications ("avoid rain", "attention to fragile object", "no overlaying", etc.) marked by a label on transformer package, where applicable.
Storage conditions:
Storage of type transformers CTEL_ it will be done in closed spaces with environments free of humidity, highly corrosive substances, chemically active substances, flammable or explosive vapors and without electrically conductive dusts.
Putting into service:
At the time of commissioning of the type transformers CTEL_, their location in a space that respects the ambient temperature level will be considered in order to be included in the insulation class in which they were made, elements that are specified on the product label.
When commissioning, the corresponding circuit connection must be observed, in accordance with the markings on the transformer terminals and the connection instructions for these types of transformers. Only multi-wire (corded) cables or connecting rods, the section of which corresponds to the rated current specified on the product label, electric slippers of appropriate dimensions, with the insulation distance on the surface between the slippers, etc., shall be used.
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